It’s Mid-January. By now resolutions are quickly fading away like Fruit Stripe Gum. You meant well, you really did. Yet another year threatens to leave you the way it found you. But, it’s ok. There’s still hope.

There’s still something you can do.
There’s still a simple path to a better you.

A better you is found…. in a book.

Reading is a powerful way to exercise the mind and heart. It transports you to a place you’ve never been, allows you to learn from people you’ve never meet and connects you to lives you’ve never lived. Whether it’s the Bible or a fantastic Julie Otsuka; books have the power to change you.

It was in a good book that I learned the value of discipline.
It was in a better book that I learned the value of love.

This year, allow a book to help you find a better you.
Join the Modern Mrs. Darcy 2016 Book Challenge.

It’s 12 Books, In 12 Categories, In 12 Months.

It’s Simple, Doable & Structured.

In this list you’ll find familiar and unexplored territories and maybe some new favorites.

Modern Mrs. Darcy (aka MMD) has also released a free printable download to track your reading.

I’m working on a list of MY Books for the Reading Challenge. Check again for updates.
I can’t wait to see who and what books join us.


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